Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bad Day

Just a short update. Frustrating day. Came home to find blurps all over the house. Couple looked dry and old - like from early in the morning. A couple were mostly water with some grass. This suggests that he wasn't feeling well. However, when I got home from work he did not act like he was feeling bad. He ate dinner well and looks comfortable. Sure wish we knew what to expect with this disease.


  1. are you on the canine megaesophagus yahoo group? do you feed and keep vertical for 20 minutes after feeding? eating any solids, including grass, will cause regurg in these dogs

  2. We don't follow the yahoo group, because it was of little use to us. There is no way for Roland to stay vertical or to sit for 20 minutes after eating. His rear quivers with only a few seconds of sitting.
