Thursday, February 19, 2009


Just another update. Roland's had a bad week so far. Came home from work yesterday to find a trail of blurps to the doggy door. They were all small spots, but we haven't seen that since the night we took him to the emergency clinic. However, he didn't seem distressed and slept through the night without blurping. It's so hard to figure this disease out.

Another strange thing has happened lately - 3 times to be exact - in about a 3 week period. He's had episodes of what I would have called projectile vomiting, but it's mostly clear liquid and a little bit of kibble. So, I guess I should call it projectile blurp, but that doesn't make sense. The liquid comes out with force and a clear stream. In fact, it splashed. For a dog that's not supposed to have any motility in his esophagus something sure contracted or spasmed. We've discussed this round and round. Perhaps his dose of bethanechol is too high, maybe he has another condition in addition to the megaesophagus or maybe something that we haven't thought of. The third time this happened it was first thing in the morning and he had not eaten yet - or had his pills. Our conclusion is that it's not caused by too much bethanechol. If so, you would expect the symptom to happen shortly after a dose, not right before the next one. Who knows though? Anybody out there with any experience with this??

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